Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What things has the Puritan Faith given us?

Through the hundreds of years in America, we have seen many different changes. Some of them for the best, and some of them for the worst. We have seen many different changes in politics, leaders that we have had, the way we lived, the currency, wars, segregation, immigration, and faith that this country has had. One faith that played a huge role in the northern colonies and is still affecting our ways is the Puritan faith. The following is going to include the past and present things that the Puritan faith has given us as a nation.

The Puritan religion really started in in the 1500's, but did really explode until the late 1500's and early 1600's when it was in England. The church wouldn't allow them to change the already established church so they decided to head overseas. "The English Puritans made their political emergence in the 1600's. This was during the very same time period in which they began to embark upon their epic migrations to the New World." The Puritans coming over were very spiritual and excited to come to the New World. The felt they would be free and walking with God in the New World. The Puritan history that we learn about in school is very short because, "Puritan history has been neglected. Within the academic elites at the top of the teaching hierarchies it is no secret that secular humanists despise the Puritans. This history is "cloaked" by the educational elites who quite clearly do not like the Puritans. They are the ones who set forth the teaching syllabuses and decide which textbooks to approve. In their heart of hearts many of them would like to see the Puritans consigned to the dustbin of history. When they cannot do that they use their academic power over the curriculum to present the Puritans in a bad light. Many of them are locked in a secularist mindset. And they do not want to see their students develop a Biblical world view. This is why they obsess and vex themselves over matters of "church and state". They are hard-liners in these matters of "political correctness". And so to see what the Puritans were doing in England back in those days we must look behind this academic smokescreen and do our own homework." that being said, the Puritan’s were people who were largely into their faith and they were very serious about instilling their faith into their children because of the hardships they went through in England. The Puritans were very smart people and they loved life. They lived by very strict rules. "If they were not diligent before God and before their fellow man then there would be dire consequences. It could be a case of "Paradise Lost"."

Since the history books give such little information, most of us would believe that the Puritan faith has dissolved and totally disappeared, but that is false. The Puritan faith's span had been over 500 years and is still going. Some believe that the Puritan faith is close to a climax. "The history of the Puritans has not ended. Puritan history is, in fact, an ongoing saga. Puritan history may come to a grand climax during the coming years." There are three examples of things Puritan’s did that are still around today. These three are the "yellow ribbon," the phrase "In God We Trust," and "Nation under God." Most people know the phrase "In God We Trust." This phrase plays a huge part in America today and is on all of our currency, but "is actually a 17th Century Puritan battlefield standard." Likewise the yellow ribbon that we hang up or put on our car, has the meaning "support our troops," just like it was for the Puritans. In the 17th century, Puritan soldiers wore a yellow ribbon for protection, along with their loving family members who stayed home. The last one is in our pledge of allegiance. It is one "nation under God." This was the Puritans views of the new world. And has become true today. We are on nation under God. These are just a few things that the Puritan faith has given us, but they both play a big role in today’s America.

Many people think the future is very bright for the Puritans. "The Puritans brought their faith and ideals, as well as their energies for constructive reform with them to the New World. From the time they rose up in Parliament in the 1600's they were always a high spirited and an ambitious group. The character of the Americans since that time is quite similar to the Puritans in many respects." Americans attack problems the same way Puritans do. We all tend to lean towards the free enterprise system that the Puritans started. The Puritan’s also have given us many different things like the yellow ribbon, one nation under God, and In God We Trust. These along with other things not mentioned are huge things for our nation and the Puritans continue to add new things to help us grow as a country.

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