Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are the founding fathers and free masons responsible for the illuminati?
People around the world have questions that only the highest in command have answers to. For instance the assassination of President Kennedy, there is a lot of speculation surrounding this topic if it was one shooter, or if there two, also who planned it and so on. Around the world, there are rumors going around about a group that has the answer, and is so called the mastermind of all huge events that have taken place in the world. People have started to question if the founding fathers, and or the free masons were part of this group. The following is going to include what the illuminati is, how the founding fathers and free masons could be part of the group, and if they are or are not.
The "Illuminati, the word itself is supposed to mean those who have become Spiritually Enlightened, or make claims to that affect. Even today there are those Intellectually Pretentious people who consider themselves to be part of an Elite Race of Wise Men." The name illuminati have been given historically to groups. The conspiracy of the group is that its organization is allegedly to be the masterminds of events and control world affairs using the government and big corporations to establish the New World Order. "The Order of the Illuminati was created on May 1st 1776, also known as Mayday which is a sacred holiday to the Pagan religion. It is also a major holiday to most modern communists. The year 1776 also has some note in history. It was the year that the American Declaration of Independence was created. It’s a coincidence that many of the creators of the Declaration were themselves Masons. Some of the illuminati’s goals are to change the current social and political systems in place. People in this group, or people they wanted to be part of the group were "billionaires and the intellectual leftists of today." Some people they think to be part of this group include celebrities like LeBron James. He throws up the illuminati sign before every game that he plays.,r:5,s:0

With that being said, the illuminati arose at the same time of the Declaration of Independence. This makes huge speculation if the founding fathers and free masons were part of the group. The freemasons already are a known to be a very secretive group and the founding fathers, which is well known, that they were extremists and radicals at the time. Most of the freemasons became founding fathers which links the two together. They both wanted to change the rules and the lives people lived. Members of this group are responsible for the United States and the American Revolution. They have also been claimed to be involved with the Boston tea party. They instilled ideas into people’s minds and got America to fight back. With that being said these two groups were around during some huge turns in American history and all factors point and relate them to the illuminati. The number 13 and 666 are a huge numbers for the illuminati and also many of our nation’s symbols that the founding fathers created relate back to the illuminati. For example, "There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries. 13 stripes on the middle shield. 13 arrows on the right. 13 stars above the eagles head. 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon. 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis. There are 13 blocks top to bottom on the pyramid." The number 666 is shown by LeBron James above representing the devil. On the pyramid, the sign points out that it says "mason" on it.
These examples, all point that the freemasons and founding fathers are undoubtedly part of the illuminati. There are signs proving it, numbers that all relate back to the illuminati. The only question now is what are the plans for the illuminati today? For us normal people, it is unknown, and we will only be able to wait and see what happens next, but do celebrities and high ranking officials know more what will happen?

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