Friday, February 24, 2012

mary rowlandson

What was it like to be held in captivity by the Native Americans?
Author Mary Rowlandson Released From Captivity by Native Americans ~ May 2, 1676

In all wars, there are people who are captured and are tortured, held at ransom, and interrogated. For example, when United States service men and women are captured in war, they are beaten, asked for information in some imaginable ways, and are used for ransom's. When looking at this, made me think of how did the Native Americans treat the people they were holding captive. Some people argue that the Native Americans were savages, and some argue that they were peaceful people. The following is going to include how the Native Americans treated their captives good, how they treated them bad, and my overall feeling of the information.
In some account of people being captured by Native Americans, the women captured didn't want to leave.  At first they were scared and out casted in the society, but once they got a little comfortable, they wanted to stay. They weren't beaten or anything of that nature. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got captured. They liked the living style that the Native Americans lived. They helped out the tribe by preparing meals, getting water from rivers, and even making clothes. They took time to have relationships with the Native Americans and even learned the language of that specific tribe.
In other accounts, they were not treated as well. Since the native Americans were angry, and felt their land was being invaded when the Puritans and Pilgrims just wanted to start a new life on an new free land the Native Americans were protective of what they thought was theirs and they took many white men, women, and children captive as they traveled throughout the land. The Native Americans killed innocent white men, women, and children and forced them to live under the force and control of their own kind.

Many white people throughout this struggle, like Mary Rowlandson, relied heavily and completely on God. They often felt as if they were living in hell and the only way to survival was the guidance and faith in the Lord. The Native Americans traveled even throughout the cold and miserable nights forcing the Puritans to eat, sleep, and live in what was a very miserable and uncomfortable living situation. The Puritans, especially women and children, became very sick and often died. Most Native Americans didn't care about the Puritans health or lives and didn't stop their travel for food and their goals. Most Puritans refused to think about their lives after captivity because they couldn't fathom to accept their families were destroyed, dead and future lives were shattered. They prayed for freedom but feared their future. 
In conclusion, these two examples show how different Native Americans responded differently to the Puritans living on their land. History proves that certain people handle certain situations differently and not all history books are accurate. We know that Puritan people treated the Native American's poorly as they beat, killed, and stole land that wasn't theirs. Now after reading Mary Rowlandson's captivity letters we know how the Native American's also acted in violent ways angrily and aggressively responding to the Puritan's settlements. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

purtian children

What games did puritan children play?

When growing up in the United States, children play games and sports all the time. I grew up playing football, basketball, lacrosse, and baseball. I also played games like tag, hid and go seek and so on. Understanding that the Puritans were very strict, I wondered what types of games children played. The following is going to include what their lives were like, what kind of games they were allowed to play, and my reaction to it.

Knowing that puritans were very strict, the children “were expected to behave under the same strict code as adults- doing chores, attending church services, and repressing individual differences.” Puritans were punished if they showed any emotion like fear, excitement, and anger. Since they had strict punishment rules, games were very scarce and most of them were seen as sinful. Unlike girls, boys got to show imagination. “They often worked as apprentices outside the home, practicing such skills as carpentry or crafts. Boys were also allowed to explore the outdoors, hunting and fishing. On the other hand, girls were expected to tend to the house, helping their mothers cook, wash, clean, and sew.” Most children in the Puritan society learned to read but it was only through reading the bible. There were no real reading books for children, the only ones consisted of warning against bad behavior and how they would be punished for their sinful acts. This shows that the puritan children didn’t play around to much they were expected to act and behave as adults did and had the same punishment as adults. So they didn’t get to play many games.

With that being said, kids will be kids, and found out what was acceptable through the Puritan culture and they played those games. The games they played were various forms of tag, scotch hoppers, cats- cradle, hoops, singing London Bridge is falling down, marbles, cricket, and kickball. These were all forms of games they were allowed to play.  The various forms of tag included wood tag, squat-tag and cross-tag. Scotch Hoppers, which is really known as hop scotch. Boys got to play other games which girls couldn’t play, which were chuck-farthing, kite-flying, dancing, dancing round may-pole, marbles, fishing, cricket, kick ball. Some winter games were coating, which is now known as sledding.  One game that was “sternly disapproved of by the puritans for it’d “mothering devices,”'s_play.htm  was the game foot-ball. With that being said, Puritan children didn’t always work and act like adults. They knew when they had to be mature, but they also had fun when they could.

I think that The way they treated children is crazy. I would have died in the Puritan culture. Acting like an adult when you very young are hard, even though I think most of us when we were younger wanted to grow up, but now as adults I think we all wish we were young again with no worries in the world.  SO I think it’s crazy how they treated simple games that children wanted to play and should have laid off a little.

Puritan children did get to play some games, but they were very limited because of the Puritan faith told them they couldn’t, but I think they were very smart in thinking of games that there culture acceted.

Are the founding fathers and free masons responsible for the illuminati?
People around the world have questions that only the highest in command have answers to. For instance the assassination of President Kennedy, there is a lot of speculation surrounding this topic if it was one shooter, or if there two, also who planned it and so on. Around the world, there are rumors going around about a group that has the answer, and is so called the mastermind of all huge events that have taken place in the world. People have started to question if the founding fathers, and or the free masons were part of this group. The following is going to include what the illuminati is, how the founding fathers and free masons could be part of the group, and if they are or are not.
The "Illuminati, the word itself is supposed to mean those who have become Spiritually Enlightened, or make claims to that affect. Even today there are those Intellectually Pretentious people who consider themselves to be part of an Elite Race of Wise Men." The name illuminati have been given historically to groups. The conspiracy of the group is that its organization is allegedly to be the masterminds of events and control world affairs using the government and big corporations to establish the New World Order. "The Order of the Illuminati was created on May 1st 1776, also known as Mayday which is a sacred holiday to the Pagan religion. It is also a major holiday to most modern communists. The year 1776 also has some note in history. It was the year that the American Declaration of Independence was created. It’s a coincidence that many of the creators of the Declaration were themselves Masons. Some of the illuminati’s goals are to change the current social and political systems in place. People in this group, or people they wanted to be part of the group were "billionaires and the intellectual leftists of today." Some people they think to be part of this group include celebrities like LeBron James. He throws up the illuminati sign before every game that he plays.,r:5,s:0

With that being said, the illuminati arose at the same time of the Declaration of Independence. This makes huge speculation if the founding fathers and free masons were part of the group. The freemasons already are a known to be a very secretive group and the founding fathers, which is well known, that they were extremists and radicals at the time. Most of the freemasons became founding fathers which links the two together. They both wanted to change the rules and the lives people lived. Members of this group are responsible for the United States and the American Revolution. They have also been claimed to be involved with the Boston tea party. They instilled ideas into people’s minds and got America to fight back. With that being said these two groups were around during some huge turns in American history and all factors point and relate them to the illuminati. The number 13 and 666 are a huge numbers for the illuminati and also many of our nation’s symbols that the founding fathers created relate back to the illuminati. For example, "There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries. 13 stripes on the middle shield. 13 arrows on the right. 13 stars above the eagles head. 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon. 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis. There are 13 blocks top to bottom on the pyramid." The number 666 is shown by LeBron James above representing the devil. On the pyramid, the sign points out that it says "mason" on it.
These examples, all point that the freemasons and founding fathers are undoubtedly part of the illuminati. There are signs proving it, numbers that all relate back to the illuminati. The only question now is what are the plans for the illuminati today? For us normal people, it is unknown, and we will only be able to wait and see what happens next, but do celebrities and high ranking officials know more what will happen?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What things has the Puritan Faith given us?

Through the hundreds of years in America, we have seen many different changes. Some of them for the best, and some of them for the worst. We have seen many different changes in politics, leaders that we have had, the way we lived, the currency, wars, segregation, immigration, and faith that this country has had. One faith that played a huge role in the northern colonies and is still affecting our ways is the Puritan faith. The following is going to include the past and present things that the Puritan faith has given us as a nation.

The Puritan religion really started in in the 1500's, but did really explode until the late 1500's and early 1600's when it was in England. The church wouldn't allow them to change the already established church so they decided to head overseas. "The English Puritans made their political emergence in the 1600's. This was during the very same time period in which they began to embark upon their epic migrations to the New World." The Puritans coming over were very spiritual and excited to come to the New World. The felt they would be free and walking with God in the New World. The Puritan history that we learn about in school is very short because, "Puritan history has been neglected. Within the academic elites at the top of the teaching hierarchies it is no secret that secular humanists despise the Puritans. This history is "cloaked" by the educational elites who quite clearly do not like the Puritans. They are the ones who set forth the teaching syllabuses and decide which textbooks to approve. In their heart of hearts many of them would like to see the Puritans consigned to the dustbin of history. When they cannot do that they use their academic power over the curriculum to present the Puritans in a bad light. Many of them are locked in a secularist mindset. And they do not want to see their students develop a Biblical world view. This is why they obsess and vex themselves over matters of "church and state". They are hard-liners in these matters of "political correctness". And so to see what the Puritans were doing in England back in those days we must look behind this academic smokescreen and do our own homework." that being said, the Puritan’s were people who were largely into their faith and they were very serious about instilling their faith into their children because of the hardships they went through in England. The Puritans were very smart people and they loved life. They lived by very strict rules. "If they were not diligent before God and before their fellow man then there would be dire consequences. It could be a case of "Paradise Lost"."

Since the history books give such little information, most of us would believe that the Puritan faith has dissolved and totally disappeared, but that is false. The Puritan faith's span had been over 500 years and is still going. Some believe that the Puritan faith is close to a climax. "The history of the Puritans has not ended. Puritan history is, in fact, an ongoing saga. Puritan history may come to a grand climax during the coming years." There are three examples of things Puritan’s did that are still around today. These three are the "yellow ribbon," the phrase "In God We Trust," and "Nation under God." Most people know the phrase "In God We Trust." This phrase plays a huge part in America today and is on all of our currency, but "is actually a 17th Century Puritan battlefield standard." Likewise the yellow ribbon that we hang up or put on our car, has the meaning "support our troops," just like it was for the Puritans. In the 17th century, Puritan soldiers wore a yellow ribbon for protection, along with their loving family members who stayed home. The last one is in our pledge of allegiance. It is one "nation under God." This was the Puritans views of the new world. And has become true today. We are on nation under God. These are just a few things that the Puritan faith has given us, but they both play a big role in today’s America.

Many people think the future is very bright for the Puritans. "The Puritans brought their faith and ideals, as well as their energies for constructive reform with them to the New World. From the time they rose up in Parliament in the 1600's they were always a high spirited and an ambitious group. The character of the Americans since that time is quite similar to the Puritans in many respects." Americans attack problems the same way Puritans do. We all tend to lean towards the free enterprise system that the Puritans started. The Puritan’s also have given us many different things like the yellow ribbon, one nation under God, and In God We Trust. These along with other things not mentioned are huge things for our nation and the Puritans continue to add new things to help us grow as a country.