Sunday, March 11, 2012


Is there any meaning to the names in Washington Irving's short story?,r:0,s:0

When writing a story you choose names that are significant to the story or the time period that you are writing about to make sense. We can see this in many different books from many different times. For example, we see can see that there is some type of relationship to the names in the story Sleepy Hallow. The following is going to include a short summary of two characters and what there names can stand for and my reaction to it.

The first character is Brom Van Brunt. He is "Ichabod Crane’s greatest rival in the fight for Katrina’s hand."
He "is boisterous, burly, and the hero of the area, known for his heroics and feats of strength. " He gets the nickname Brom Bones, which you can look at the words brom and bones and think big bones, which describes his masculine body. He also plays a masculine role in the story. So his name represents his role in the story.

On the other side, the other characters name is Ichabod Crane. He is a native from Connecticut and moved to Sleepy Hallow. He is a schoolteacher and sleeps in different people's places all the time. He uses a rod to punish the stronger kids. He is also very "interested in ghost stories and the supernatural, because he believes in it." He is also in love with a girl named Katrina Van Tassel. If you look at Ichabod Cranes name, you can tell just by looking at it that the author named him Ichabod because it sounds like "icky body." He described him as tall "tall and extremely thin with a huge appetite and a certain amount of greed." this shows that his name goes hand and hand with the description of his name. You can also attach his last name Crane because he is skinny and tall like a crane.

Authors who write stories give their characters names that go hand and hand with either their personalities or the description of who they are.

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